She Builds - Upcoming Project

Building a community of womxn in San Francisco.



San Francisco, California




Julie Peri
Joy Lam


Dykes With Drills is joining Rebuilding Together this fall at their San Francisco She Builds initiative. Rebuilding Together’s She Builds initiative is a nationwide event series, featuring community revitalization projects that create real change for women. She Builds provides critical home repairs to women in need and revitalizes community centers providing services to women and their families. The event series includes home repair trainings to give women the confidence and skills to maintain safe and healthy homes.


How you can contribute:




Are you interested in volunteering with us? Great! Our volunteers will work with build leads who can teach them how to work on this project. We welcome all who identify as womxn to come and participate with us! Please feel free to bring your own tools, though if you do, we recommend that you label them.


If you are skilled builder and want to participate as a build lead please email us at


Past Community Projects