Preschool Picnic Tables - Upcoming Project

Small Building, Big Difference

picnic table wm (1).jpg


Walnut Creek, Ca


September 25, 2021


Join DWD for this special backyard build out of 18 picnic tables for preschools in San Francisco. We will build from 10am - 5pm. Please bring your own lunch. Pizza dinner will be provided. We look forward to building with you!


How you can contribute:




Are you interested in volunteering with us? Great! As a volunteer you will work with a build lead who will teach you how to complete a variety of projects. If you are skilled builder and want to participate as a build lead please let us know.




We need individuals and corporate groups to sponsor our community projects. By becoming a sponsor, you will help us provide a free building event to your community, as well as help complete a project that a local organization needs help with. Inquire with us about sponsoring this community Project.


Past Community Projects