Earth Day - Community Build

Taking care of our home.



San Francisco Bay Area


Earth Day 2023


The first Earth Day, celebrated in 1970 was proposed as a day to honor the Earth. Now each year, April 22 is celebrated internationally as the the anniversary of the modern environmental movement, and a reminder to protect our planet. We care about the Earth and the people on it, which is why we collaborate on a community project every year in observance of Earth Day. Join us in 2023 for a day to give back to our biggest supporter, the Earth.


How you can contribute:




Are you interested in volunteering with us? Great! As a volunteer you will work with a build lead who will teach you how to complete a variety of projects. If you are skilled builder and want to participate as a build lead please let us know.




We are always looking for local partners to collaborate with for our next Earth Day project. Are you a local school, non-profit organization, community center, garden, etc that has a project you need help with? Reach out to us to start a conversation.




We need individuals and corporate groups to sponsor our community projects. By becoming a sponsor, you will help us provide a free building event to your community, as well as help complete a project that a local organization needs help with. Inquire with us about sponsoring our next Earth Day community Project.


Past Community Projects